
Tees Rowing Club


President: T R G Rowland. Captain: G H Rowland. Hon Sec: J Pettigrew. Hon Treas: Chas Atkin

The joint Tees / Middlesbrough Regatta is held on the Tees course on Saturday July 31st .under ARA Rules. Programme price is 6d (2.5p). Season closes with 39 Life members and 89 Ordinary members.


President: Ald. J McNaughton. Captain: Con Sec: Jas Pettigrew. Hon Treas: Chas B Atkin.

The club has 72 Ordinary members. The President presents the club with The Mayors Cup to be presented to the winner of the Club Handicap Sculls.


President: Ald. J McNaughton. Captain: TE Dent. Hon Sec: Ed. Plumley. Hon Treas: W Dent.

The joint TABC / MABC regatta is held on the Tees course on July 8th. It is a financial failure owing to “wretched weather experienced on the day”. Two new Strake Fours and two new Pleasure Boats are bought.


President: Ald. J McNaughton. Captain: Hon Sec: Thomas Jobling Jr. Hon Treas: W Dent.

Electric lighting is installed at the boathouse and improvements are made to the dressing room and bathroom. ”.  The Annual Ball organised by The Lady Members of the Dance Committee” raises £21 – the “Secretary is instructed to inform them of the club’s appreciation of their services”.


President: Ald. J McNaughton. Captain: Hon Sec. Thomas Jobling Jr. Hon Treas: NH Thompson

The club insurance policy with the Car and General Insurance Corporation Ltd includes “the building of a boathouse and dressing rooms timber built and roofed lighted by electric light and heated occasionally by a pipe stove….Boats oars and other contents” The building is insured for £1200 and the boats and blades for £700. The premium payable is £5. It is interesting to note that the terms of the policy specifically prohibit “repairing, making or varnishing of boats in said building


President: Ald. J McNaughton. Captain: J Hughill. Hon Sec: Thomas Jobling Jr. Hon Treas: NM Thompson

A tub pair is purchased. A club regatta is held to celebrate the “Railway Centenary”.


President: GH Rowland. Captain: James Hugill. Hon Sec: J Wighton. Ho Treas: B Johnston.

On Club Ladies day a picnic is held at Yarm. Members travel on a loaned launch, club pleasure and racing boats


President: GH Rowland. Captain: James Hugill. Hon Sec: J Wighton. Hon Treas: B Johnston

The Ironmasters Cup is offered for open competition and is won by Tyne ARC. Ordinary members number 36. A pair of gum boots is purchased for the boatman to “facilitate the launching of crews”.


President: GH Rowland, Captain: DG Murphy, Hon Sec: LF Clark. Hon Treas: J Wighton

Scholars of 16 years of age and over at the Grammar and Secondary Schools are invited to come to the club to practice rowing. The Rateable Value of the club is increased by 50% to £15 – an appeal is made. Durham ARC win the Ironmasters Cup.


President: GH Rowland. Captain: R Johnston. Hon Sec / Treas: LF Clark.

The appeal against the increased rateable value is successful and the figure reduced to £7. It is common practice for clubs to close in the autumn and reopen in the spring. Quite literally the clubs were closed and there was no activity. In the June minutes it is recorded that it was agreed that “the boathouse be opened upon two evenings per week during the close season”.

Club History
