Tees Rowing Club holds an annual AGM.
The outcomes of the AGM are important to every member of the club as it will affect your experience as a rower with Tees RC, so please do attend if you can. You can find out more about the roles of the officers and committee members by visiting the Committee Members section of the website, where all the roles descriptions are available.
If you wish to stand for election for any of these positions, be they vacant or filled, you will need to find someone to nominate you; this can be any other club member.
The process of nomination is as follows:
1) Obtain the member’s agreement to be nominated
2) Obtain a seconder for that member’s nomination
3) Email the Honorary Secretary with the member’s name, position for which nominated and the names of the proposer and seconder.
Nominations can be made at the Meeting (and the nominee must be present), but to be fair to the other candidates, it would be appreciated if they were made before hand